Wednesday, August 17, 2011

These next two weeks are going to suck!

Well, as some of you may know, one of our contributors Nick is currently living in Melbourne, Australia while he is studying abroad. it suddenly came to me several weeks ago that i live a pretty boring life, i do the 9-5 work thing and am taking classes full time, other than maybe one or two nights out of the week i hardly have any real fun. So it was then i decided i need to live my life more spontaneously and enjoy it (my psychologist would be proud). So it was maybe a week ago i decided F it whats one of the random-est things i can do in such a short period of time that would be the most epic that i probably would never do again...and it dawned upon me gotta go to Australia and visit Nick. So after hitting him up on facebook and email me he was totally down, couple days later finalized dates and booked my tickets, so in less than two weeks i will be on my way down under. You only live once and you never know what curve balls will be thrown your way, so like Confucius always (or maybe its Kenny Powers) " Let's Butt-fuck this party!" So keep posted as i will be bringing my camera with me and be taking photos and some videos! until then enjoy this little skate video...
