Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Danny Macaskill for Redbull

Def skills needed...

Got to love passionate radio anouncers

If you thought Charger fans have it bad, I guess the Redskins fans are struggling too. You have to listen to this local radio announcer lose it after his team got embarrassed on Monday night. It's 12 minutes long but worth the listen. This is better than stand up comedy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leo Romero Shreds

If you don't know who Leo Romero is, you should. The dude straight rips and rides a baddass motorcycle all over the country. I stumbled across this old interview with him which is hysterical and pretty much sums up why Leo is the man. Here's a video of a day in the life. Oh and I almost forgot he rocks a stache that's almost as good as mine. Yes I have a man crush.

Skaters want to be him, and hookers want to get with him. Take notes.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Charlie and Frank: American Heroes

Below are the funniest clips of the two craziest, erradic, and mentally slow characters ever to grace their presence on the television screen. I am talking about Charlie and Frank, two roomates, from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. These clips are ranked in no particular order because it is impossible to rank so many classic scenes.

1. Charlie Profile

2. Charlie Wildcard

3. Charlie thinks he's a lawyer

4. Pepe Silvia

5. Charlie: A literary genius

6. Charlie: A Vietnam Veteran

7. Beginning of the Frank De-evolution

8. Epitome of Frank: Guns, tequila, and cans

9. Frank on age

10. Frank's Gambling Buddies

11. Frank and the system

Mac Bonus Video: The Ocular Patdown