Ok so I definitely had the "O SHIT" moment as I got on the airplane... like that conversation you have with yourself like what the fuck am I doing? That feeling didn't last long though. Pretty much an hour into the flight the nerves calmed and turned to excitement. The flight itself was surprisingly smooth as well. I watched a movie then started a second one, popped a sleeping pill, and 5 minutes into the movie I was out. I woke up honestly feeling like I had slept for an hour. So thinking I still had like 1000 hours left I started reading, when an shortly after that the captain said it was time to land. After the flight I was able to get settled in and get my feet on the ground. We went on a welcome to trip to Lorne where we got to know the group as well as surfed, hiked, mountain biked, and of course raged. The trip was a blast but here are just a couple funny observations from the trip:

Recognize this guy? Yea neither did I. But it turns out that he is a fellow nazareth alumni. WTF crazy right? We are all partying and he says he is from SD so we are shooting the shit about that. You know usual small talk stuff when we get on the subject of the saints/uni, when I guess the light bulb clicks on for him. Out of no where hes just like wait you went to Nazareth.. your dad coached our basketball teams.. I was tripped out the whole night. Who knew that so many thousands of miles across the world I would run into this guy.
Australian Red Bull! What's better than Red Bull.. If you thought nothing your close. Red Bull in a bottle. Yea its that much better.
So anyway bottom line for week 1 was that it was awesome and looks like its not gona slow down anytime soon. Until next time Im out. Kroger!
solid post breh. keep em coming!