Monday, October 11, 2010

Dive Bars

Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying a few beers with a couple of friends at my favorite dive bar Uncle Duke's. That got me thinking of all the great shady watering holes I've encountered in my short two year circuit with the drinking community. Therefore I have compiled this list of the 5 best dive bars in California.

5. Ye Ole Watering Hole

Starting off the list is Ye Ole Watering Hole in Santa Cruz. This place has all the staples of a dive bar: a pool table, an old school juke box, awesome drink prices, and a friendly bartender. The Watering Hole has a strong locals only vibe, but as long as your respectful they're more than happy to share a pint with you.

4. Peter D's

I've never experienced anything quite like Peter D's. If you look up dive bar in the dictionary there is a picture of Peter D's with it. Located in the heart of Clairemont this place has pool tables that are growing bactaria and fungus on them, locals that have seen more things in their lifetime than I care to know about, and creepy old lady's of the night that are always down for a fun time. Peter D's only draft beer is the prestigious Stella which is peculiar considering its surroundings, but I'm not complaining. And of course this place is the home of "The Shed."

3. Abbey Tavern

I had the pleasure of living across the street from Abbey Tavern in San Francisco and had a handful of entertaining times here. Great place to watch soccer games, see a sick show, or take a shot before a graduation. You can't go wrong stopping here.

2. The Oasis

Chico is the proud home of several bars and a college that majors in drinking. The Oasis has great burgers, a plethora of pool tables, a diverse drink selection, and is in a wonderful location.

1. Uncle Duke's

Coming in at number one is the great Uncle Duke's. Every time you go to this place you're in for a different experience. From beach bum's, to pro skaters, to ladies collapsing on the floor this place has it all. Uncle Duke's is a great destination to have a few Budweiser's and watch some gold fish races.

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