this is amazing...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Putz Pondering Corner
Welcome to the Putz Pondering Corner! This section is dedicated to the burning thoughts and questions that happen to go through my head.

Today I was watching the Alabama vs. Tennessee football game. Alabama's starting quarterback is Greg McElroy. The announcers and seemingly everyone else pronounce his name "Mac-el-roy." Now my question is where did that "a" come from? Why is it the general consensus for people with Mc____ names to be prounanced as Mac? I understand in our english language we cannot exactly pronounce an "m" and then a "c" directly after that, so you therefore need to insert a vowel. But why not "Mec-el-roy," or "Mic-el-roy," or even "Muc-el-roy." And that my friends is something to ponder on.
Today I was watching the Alabama vs. Tennessee football game. Alabama's starting quarterback is Greg McElroy. The announcers and seemingly everyone else pronounce his name "Mac-el-roy." Now my question is where did that "a" come from? Why is it the general consensus for people with Mc____ names to be prounanced as Mac? I understand in our english language we cannot exactly pronounce an "m" and then a "c" directly after that, so you therefore need to insert a vowel. But why not "Mec-el-roy," or "Mic-el-roy," or even "Muc-el-roy." And that my friends is something to ponder on.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
10 Most Epic Beer Commercials
The previous post showed a classic commercial for Busch beer. This got me to ponder about all the great beer advertisements there are out there so I've compiled another list. Without further ado, the ten best beer commercials.
Honorable Mentions:
Head for the Mountains of Busch
Bud Light: Will Ferrell
Budweiser Frogs
10. Natural Light
Starting off the list is Natty Right. Not much to say here besides a Naturday every now and then is pretty awesome.
9. Guinness
It's always a great day for a Guinness and although the Irish can get pretty cocky sometimes, they can surprise you with some great ideas.
8. Stella
All you need to know is four words: perfection has its price.
7. Coors Light
I'm not a big fan of Coors Light but they have come out with some great ads. Although the coaching press conference commercials are good, I'm reaching farther back into the vault for this great commercial. When you combine arguably America's favorite pastime, tailgating, and twins in a 30 second spot you are doing something right.
6. Miller Lite
What would our society be without man law? Miller Lite has taken it upon themselves to bring up and debate man's most controversial topics.
5. Bud Light
With over 5 million views on youtube there is no need for explanation on why this commercial is so great.
4. Busch
Classic and timeless. What more can i say?
3. Heineken
Not only hysterical but also accurate. Who wouldn't get that excited over a walk in fridge stocked with cold ones?
2. Keystone
One of the less desirable beers out there, Keystone makes up for it by really knowing how to reach their college age demographic. Keith Stone is always smooth, even if you're not.
1. Dos Equis
With so many entertaining commercials, it is impossible not to put Dos Equis at number one. Full of wisdom and advice, we can learn a lot from this renaissance man. Most importantly though we must remember to never, never, under any circumstance, rollerblade.
Bar Jams
Well the week is almost over, and about time the bars will be occupied. This got me thinking when i go to my local watering holes i enjoy checking the juke box collection and like to throw on a 2 or 3 song set to get the mood right. Last couple weeks i've had a key song that i would frequent and i now realize i am on my 3rd song.
Several weeks ago my so called "song of the week" was Steppenwolf's- "Magic Carpet Ride"
Last Week i was on a Skynyrd trip with "Simple Man" as it is also an ode to the great Busch Beer...
This Week I decided the "Song of the week" is the original Ram Jam's - "Black Betty"
So if you're at a bar and hear one of these classics, raise you beer up to the sky and have one on me!
Several weeks ago my so called "song of the week" was Steppenwolf's- "Magic Carpet Ride"
Last Week i was on a Skynyrd trip with "Simple Man" as it is also an ode to the great Busch Beer...
This Week I decided the "Song of the week" is the original Ram Jam's - "Black Betty"
So if you're at a bar and hear one of these classics, raise you beer up to the sky and have one on me!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I recommend everyone buy stock in the Fushigi Ball right now. It is sweeping the nation and is hands down the raddest thing I've ever seen.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Hello Blogging world!
My name is Peyvand im 24 and hail from San Diego, I am honored Erik has invited me to become a participating member on what will one day be the most glorious blog of all time! I Believe he (Erik) has brought me along because of my skills on the soccer pitch, my everlasting desire to get a motorcycle and start a biker club, and lastly (but not least) my skills in driving a car with a manual transmission.
and now i leave you with a random picture to ponder on...
Dive Bars
Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying a few beers with a couple of friends at my favorite dive bar Uncle Duke's. That got me thinking of all the great shady watering holes I've encountered in my short two year circuit with the drinking community. Therefore I have compiled this list of the 5 best dive bars in California.
5. Ye Ole Watering Hole
Starting off the list is Ye Ole Watering Hole in Santa Cruz. This place has all the staples of a dive bar: a pool table, an old school juke box, awesome drink prices, and a friendly bartender. The Watering Hole has a strong locals only vibe, but as long as your respectful they're more than happy to share a pint with you.
4. Peter D's
I've never experienced anything quite like Peter D's. If you look up dive bar in the dictionary there is a picture of Peter D's with it. Located in the heart of Clairemont this place has pool tables that are growing bactaria and fungus on them, locals that have seen more things in their lifetime than I care to know about, and creepy old lady's of the night that are always down for a fun time. Peter D's only draft beer is the prestigious Stella which is peculiar considering its surroundings, but I'm not complaining. And of course this place is the home of "The Shed."
3. Abbey Tavern
I had the pleasure of living across the street from Abbey Tavern in San Francisco and had a handful of entertaining times here. Great place to watch soccer games, see a sick show, or take a shot before a graduation. You can't go wrong stopping here.
2. The Oasis
1. Uncle Duke's

Friday, October 8, 2010
Throwback Ad's
In honor of the name of this blog, I took the time to uncover some old school smokeless tobacco ads. They are pretty humorous and downright awesome

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Oh Happy Days!
This space was created for the Happy Days Mint community and voyeurs who want to try and figure out what that is. Post your thoughts, stupid videos or links, or whatever you think our weird twisted minds might enjoy.
See ya bench!
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